Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Cold Buds

Spring was here. it had sprung, I swear, but now, the wind bites and the air is heavy with rain and mist.

I'm working on the new HOWBOWT poster and am REALLY loving it. I won't spill any beans yet... you'll just have to wait and see.

I don't know if I told you, but... my house is too cuddly. Garrett came out with it last night and said, "what is gonna happen when they split up the beige buddhists?" I don't wanna talk about it.

Tonight I have to watch the movie, Fresa y Chocolate to see if it's presentation worthy. This weekend will be all about goddamn movie watching and sadly, much of it will have to happen IN the library. uuugh.

Here's something Harrison found (that boy keeps showing up) that I really enjoy. Check out the combo of serif and sanserif! :

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