Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Winter Vacation

Atlas Sound was tonight. I couldn't believe that Vassar of all places, Sam Bloch of all people got Bradford Cox and his cronies to come to Vassar and play. I was totally fanning out all night with my friend Kevin. It was nice to have someone else that was excited as I was. We were like little children. I was completely mesmerized by Bradford Cox's presence. There was some crazy story about how their keyboardist broke his foot and his last name is also Foote, and for some reason that meant that the drummer girl and the keyboardist were in Baltimore with all the Atlas Sound gear. I don't know the details, I'm sorry. I hope Bradford will blog about it soon to fill in the gaps. (deerhuntertheband.blogspot) Because of that whole incident, Bradford and Honey of Valet played on foreign gear and pedals supplied by Adam of White Rainbows. Also, this would be the first ever Atlas Sound solo show. Despite glitches, Honey and Bradford both played solid sets. Bradford actually played a Deerhunter song tonight (Spring Hall Convert) even though he "swore" he wouldn't. What was really weird about the night was that I saw my english teacher there. Harmon is definitely too cool for school.

someone has a lesbian crush? hahaha.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

My Ass Is Square From Sitting Here Idle

Things have definitely gotten better since last post.

My dad's surgery went really well- a quadruple bypass. I honestly think that my dad has a curse that terrible health problems should befall him, yet he is also blessed that none of things kill him. I guess that in the end, his diabetes et al will do him in, but as long as he sticks around for a little while longer, I'm happy. I haven't spoken to him since Saturday. I should really call him today as they might have moved him out of the ICU where I can't call into his room.

The whole Harrison thing has be alleviated. I just brought up that he was acting differently and we talked about it (sparsely, as guys usually are about such matters) but came to the understanding that we are both not really ready for a serious relationship and want to keep it light on the commitment. This point in my life is probably the worst to start in any kind of relationship considering the transience of college, but as I said to him, I'd rather have something that nothing- especially if I've found someone I care about. I'm trying not to think about things too much and just let it all happen, which seems to be the best idea. After our talk though, I think things have been better than ever. I guess it's wrapped up in the fact that neither of us have to live up to some unspoken expectations that don't really exist.

I've been putting off that Spanish paper all week and even as I sit here I am procrastinating. I have 280 words of 1000. But, I do have all day tomorrow to do it. THANKFULLY.

tonight is excepter!! woot!!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Too Much Melancholy

Things have been insaaanee. Honestly, a little too much for me to handle. I'm doing a good job at saving face, but sadly, I'm a mess over things.

1) my dad is in the hospital because of a heart attack. he goes in for surgery tomorrow at 830 in the morning. I was just starting to have a great relationship with him and I can't/ don't want to imagine losing him anytime in the near future. His father died in his, I believe, late fifties from a heart attack.

2) harrison has been sort of distant with me. I can't really handle relationships with people who aren't extremely affectionate like myself. I get paranoid. I feel like our status is always up in the air, and it drives me mad. Not to mention he's been passing out cold every night so I can't even get affection when we are alone together. harumph. I'm just hoping that issue #1 is making me overly sensitive and warping my perspective on this situation.

3) I killed my clover plant.

4) I have to write a four page spanish essay for this week and I have no idea. at all. I'm thinking about asking for an extension over next weekend.

5) I wrote a very sad story for my literary nonfiction class. it dug up old emotions.

At least today was fun. I was in Eliot's movie where I had to sloppily make out with two guys I had just met. hahaha.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Get Him Back

So, as Andres calls him- my main squeeze and I are doing well. I can't believe how everything happened so quickly. It's only been a week that we've been together but already I feel like we've been together for ages. It's just so comfortable. Earlier this week I had my first doubts and had my own little craziness, but I think it all has to do with the fact that I haven't been in a legit healthy relationship since highschool and even then it's never been this good. I don't know how to handle it and that's amazing. I've just been learning how to relax and take it easy. Maybe I shouldn't get ahead of myself too much... it has only been a week.

The one thing I have to do is make sure I get all my work done. That has to remain a priority.

Tonight should be an interesting adventure. Ferry Haus concert!!! Then I guess everyone is coming back to my room for funzies. hahah...

Heather and I always end up in these serendipitous occasions. Harrison and I woke up around 1120 so he could get to work and then Heather and I immediately went to get free Chinese food from the Chinese Dept. for lunar new year. We got there JUST in time as the food was being put out. Thanks to Dane for giving us the heads up and thanks to the universe for putting such amazing things in our path.

To quote Harrison, "Everything has been feeling better lately".

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Death of Industry

sometimes, thinking negatively yields positive results.

sometimes, i marvel at the ways things become.

here is a story that I wrote today spontaneously:

Don't abandon him, we thought with vivacious persistence, fists pounding knees in short passionate spurts. Intent on divining an answer, an apology, we strained our eyes wide like cartoonish exotic goldfish searching her porcelain face for tiny movements, mere twitches of facial muscle that might give her decision away. Soft colors flickered across our bodies as we sat lonely in the darkness.